Comunicato Stampa Italia Longevity – USA

Comunicato Stampa Italia Longevity – USA

Roma, 2 novembre 2020 – Le prime 10 PMI del food Made in Italy sbarcano in USA grazie all’innovazione dell’export di ItaliaLongevity USA. Si tratta di un nuovo modo di esportare senza intermediari che attrae e raggiunge direttamente i consumatori nel momento in cui...
Benefits of polyphenols in Red Wine

Benefits of polyphenols in Red Wine

The phenolic content in wine refers to the phenolic compounds—natural phenol and polyphenols—in wine, which include a large group of several hundred chemical compounds that affect the taste, color and mouthfeel of wine. These compounds include phenolic acids,...
The 9 lifestyle lessons for Longevity

The 9 lifestyle lessons for Longevity

Source: “The Secrets of a Long Life” by Dan Buettner. November 2005 National Geographic magazine cover story Characteristics that contribute to a longer life: Family – put ahead of other concerns Less smoking Semi-vegetarianism – the majority of food...